Unit 12. What´s the matter?
Make irregular verbs kahoot (20 words)
Unit 12 vocabulary is HERE
Irregular verb jeopardy is HERE
Irregular verbs HERE
Unit 11. Have you ever been...?
Unit 11 vocabulary is HERE
Video about Everest Expedition is HERE and HERE
Present Perfect HERE
- task 1 questions HERE
- task 2 questions HERE
Present Perfect or Past Simple
Unit 10. I´ve printed my homework.
Present Perfect
task 1, affirmative HERE and HERE
task 2, questions HERE
Unit 9. Something new to watch!
Unit 9 vocabulary is HERE
Unit 8. How much time have we got?
Unit 8 vocabulary is HERE
Grammar: countable and uncountable nouns HERE
Some or any
- An email about sport HERE
- A Letter from Florida - Reading Exercise HERE
- Reading task Air travel is HERE
- Listening tasks Transport announcements is HERE
Unit 7. Will it really happen?
Unit 7 vocabulary is HERE
Questionary about the movie "Ready Player One" is HERE
Reading task about Australia is HERE
Simple Future
Predictions for 2123
The World in 2050
Christmas all over the world HERE
Christmas project is HERE
Deadline on 8th December.
Santa´s Journey Escape Room is HERE
Elf on the Shelf Virtual Escape Room is HERE
- Päästa jõulud! SIIN
Unit 6. The best bed!
Unit 6 vocabulary is HERE
Comparison of adjectives in English learn HERE
Compare adjectives worksheet
Unit 5. Go back to the roundabout!
Unit 5 vocabulary is HERE
Irregular verbs HERE
Adverbs or adjectives
Unit 4. Whose jacket is this?
Unit 4 vocabulary is HERE

Possessive Adjectives
Possessive Pronouns
Unit 3. The dinosaur museum.
Vocabulary is HERE
16th November:
- Do grammar exercises HERE
- Learn: Past Simple Keywords: in 2000, 3 years ago, last week, yesterday
- Practice:
Past Simple
HALLOWEEN escape room is HERE
Unit 2. We had a concert.
Vocabulary is HERE
The Past Simple HERE
Irregular Verbs Rap Song
Grammar exercises
1) Present Simple
Keywords: every day, often, sometimes, always, once a week etc
2) Past Simple
Keywords: in 2000, 3 years ago, last week, yesterday
3) Present Continous or Present Simpl
Keywords in the Present Continous: Look!, now, at the moment, all day long
Marking scale for PP HERE
Unit 1. The food here is great!
Vocabulary is HERE
Present Simple or Continuous
Task 1
Task 2
Task 3 (questions)
Numbers crossword is HERE
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