Euroopa keeltepäev 2019
26. septembril tähistatakse kogu Euroopas keeltepäeva, et seeläbi tähtsustada Euroopas kõneldavaid keeli.
kuni 26. septembrini võimalus panna oma teadmised proovile keeltepäevale pühendatud veebiviktoriinis,
mis on seekord pühendatud ÜRO põliskeelte aastale. Fakte Euroopa keelete kohta leiad SIIT
Samuti kutsume kõiki osalema 26. septembril Vikerraadio raadiomängus, kus tuleb ära arvata, millises keeles kõlab armastatud lastelaul Pipi Pikksukast. Viktoriin SIIN
Euroopa Keeltepäeva eesmärgiks on rõhutada avalikkusele keeleõppimise tähtsust ning kasvatada teadmist, et kõik Euroopas kõneldavad keeled on väärtuslikud, samuti julgustada ja toetada elukestvat keeleõpet.
Keeleteemaline veebiviktoriin 2018 6.–23. september
Juba üheteistkümnendat korda korraldab Euroopa Komisjoni esindus Eestis Euroopa keeltepäeva puhul keeleteemalise veebiviktoriini kooliõpilastele. Tänavune viktoriin on pühendatud Euroopa kultuuripärandi aastale ja tutvustab Euroopa rahvaste eeposeid.
Viktoriin avaneb, kui vajutad keelepäeva pildile.. Vastuseid saab saata 23. septembrini. Kõigi õigesti vastanute vahel loositakse välja tahvelarvuti. Väiksemaid preemiaid ja meeneid jagavad lastele Euroopa Komisjoni esindus ning Eestis tegutsevad välisriikide saatkonnad ja kultuuriesindused. Õigesti vastanute vahel loositakse auhinnad välja ning võitjate nimed ja õiged vastused pannakse viktoriini lehele üles Euroopa keeltepäeval, 26. septembril.
songs and find missing words HERE
different grammar exercises are HERE
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Stand by Me | Prince Harry and Meghan Markle exchange vows - The Royal Wedding - BBC
Royal Family of Elizabeth II is HERE
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Halloween easy vocabulary is HERE
- Thanksgiving- What is this? Watch HERE
Thanksgiving is one of the most popular holidays in the United States of America. Traditionally, Thanksgiving is a holiday that Americans spend together with their families and enjoy a Thanksgiving meal - the traditional Thanksgiving turkey and some vegetables.
In 1620 a group of people from England came to North America. They wanted to pray to their God, but the King of England controlled them. They didn't have religious freedom in England, so they came to Plymouth to be free to have their own religion. They came on the ship called "The Mayflower".
Life was difficult in Plymouth. People were sick and hungry. Many of them died. They worked hard. The Native Americans or Indians helped them a lot. They gave the Pilgrims food, showed them how to hunt wild animals and plant food like corn.
Finally, they had enough to eat. In the fall of the next year, they had a good crop of different vegetables. To celebrate a good harvest they cooked a large meal and shared it with Indians. They wanted to give thanks for their food. That was the first Thanksgiving Day.
Today people in the United States celebrate Thanksgiving Day. It is always on the fourth Thursday in November. On this day families come together to eat the traditional food of the Pilgrims and the Indians. They eat a lot and talk. They give thanks for their health, their families and friends.
THANKSGIVING EXERCISE (click here for exercise)
Christmas Quizzes and games are HERE
Christmas Traditions HERE
Watch a video about Christmas vocabulary HERE
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